PMF Raffles

PMF Raffles

The much-anticipated new PMF Raffles went off really well. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
The winners are listed below, but we’d like to shout out special thanks to Tracey McFarland for donating her entire winnings from Session 5’s 50/50 raffle straight back to us!

Family Portrait With Your Musician – Today!, courtesy of Liz Farrell Photography
Session 1: JC Collins & Kristin Essary
Session 2: Victoria Hayes – who kindly donated her photo session to the Dolgon family
Session 3: Martha Furlong
Session 4: The Mathews-Schwaderer family

Picture House Family Membership, courtesy of Clayton Bushong
Concetta Eudicone

Four free After-School Music Program lessons, courtesy of Songcatchers
Johna DellaValle

Three 30-minute leadership or career coaching sessions, courtesy of Risa Seelenfreund and Diligencia Talent Consulting
Andrea Arteaga

One 3/4-size violin, used but in good condition, including bow and case, courtesy of Songcatchers
Charlotte Biscuiti

1-year rental of high-quality instrument with Musichood, including repairs and service, courtesy of anonymous donor
Mason Wan

Two books by Ted Gioia, one of the leading music historians of our day, courtesy of anonymous donor (The History of Jazz, and Music: A Subversive History)
Cesare Pasquale & Soobin Yoo

A pair of single-day tickets to The Governors Ball, any day of the winner’s choosing, courtesy of anonymous donor
Jennifer Lanser

50/50 (half the raffle ticket sales)
Tracey McFarland — who very kindly donated it straight back to the festival!

If you are interested in offering to donate a raffle prize for next year’s PMF, please click here.